Sunday, September 19, 2010

Signs of Fall

Yummy apples!
Big pumpkins for sale at the market!

Can I get a little help here?

I want this one!

Look at that cute pumpkin in the panda hat!

The "snow" field.

Practicing in the backyard.

Check out Lola's haircut. I did it all by myself!

Sisterly love!

Signs of autumn are all around us. It is still HOT during the day, but it is cooling off at night. The girls have been going out to play in the backyard every night. I took Snapdragon to pick apples, peaches and pears today while Lou took Buttercup to cheer at a football game. It is nice not having to drive two hours like we did in California to go picking. The orchard is about 10 minutes from our house. Lou passes it everyday on his way to work. Buttercup wants to go picking next week, so I better get busy and make an apple crisp with the apples Snapdragon and I picked today.

We passed several cotton fields on our way to the orchard and Snapdragon kept saying, "Mom, look at all that snow growing!" I had to pull over and let her feel the cotton. She picked a stem to take to school tomorrow and has her speech all ready for share... It goes something like this, "I thought this was snow, but it's not. It's cotton and the farmers make our clothes from it. You can see it, but you can't have it because my mom picked it for me and the farmer might be mad."

By the way, I know the date is wrong on the camera. I broke my camera, so I am borrowing Buttercup's until Santa brings me a new one. I dropped this one at school. My last camera was dropped in the Kern River in California. I guess I can only "hold on" to a camera for about two years. Ugh!

Happy Fall!!!

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