Saturday, May 31, 2008

Busy Times!

The end of school year is always a busy time. I have to get used to having two schedules to juggle! Buttercup is preparing for her dance recitals. She is very excited about having the part of young Nala in her dance studio's production of The Lion King. We are amazed at how grown up Buttercup has become. Maybe that's because we now have a little one running around the house. She is a beautiful young lady and dancer. Miss Helene has choreographed an amazing show!

Snapdragon had her first preschool graduation today. She attends Shine with Montessori in the mornings. She didn't fully participate in the graduation, but we went to watch her friends perform. Mrs. Shine insisted that she wear her cap and gown for a photo. You can see what Snapdragon thought of that idea!

It's Official Again!

We went to the California Superior Court yesterday and readopted Snapdragon in the state of California. She will be issued a California birth certificate. It was a joyful and comedic day. Of course, all of the cases were scheduled at 1:30 and we were going to be called in when it was our turn. Snapdragon decided it was time to fill her diaper. I had to go change her in the restroom on the floor because there were no changing stations. While I was in the restroom, the bailiff came out and called our name. Lou went in and had to wait 5 minutes while we finished and dashed to the courtroom. Snapdragon decided to play with the microphone while we were being sworn in! The whole process only took about 15 minutes. Thank goodness! We celebrated by shopping and having a special dinner. One more report to China in the fall and the adoption process will be over! What a ride!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Buttercup the Chef

Buttercup just finished the famous fourth grade California mission report. They also had to complete a project with the report. Buttercup chose to make Posoles (Pozoles) a Mexican soup or stew to share with her class. She says her favorite part of cooking her project was cutting the onions. It was very delicious!

Sunday, May 25, 2008


First, a warning that this video has some graphic pictures. I can't watch the video without crying. Our hearts, of course, now have a special connection to China. However, the tears come not just because of the suffering witnessed, but because of the realization of how blessed we are. We ask you to join us in prayer for all of those experiencing grief and suffering in China and all over the world for any reason. We are also praying in thanksgiving for all that we have been blessed with in our lives.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Day at the Pool

The temperature has reached 100 degrees+, so it is time to go to the pool here in the California desert. This is Snapdragon's second time at the "big" pool. She loves the water and doesn't mind going under. As you can tell, she has lots of friends that want to help her swim.

First Place!

Congratulations to Buttercup's basketball team! They tied for First Place in the division and won First Place in the Knight's of Columbus tournament!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

All Better!

Things have returned to normal at our house. If you can call our home normal. Snapdragon is all better and Daddy is home from travel. We are all excited about the school year coming to a close in three weeks because we can't wait to visit everyone in Cincinnati. We know everyone is excited to meet Snapdragon for the first time. The picture shows one way to keep Snapdragon occupied while trying to help Buttercup do homework. I don't think this is pediatrician recommended! Speaking of pediatrician, Snapdragon had her 15-18 month well check and all is well! She is 29.5 inches (an inch longer from the time she came home) and weighs 20.5 pounds. Development is right on target. She is saying some words, eats well and not only walks...she runs. She is sleeping better. This week she slept through the night four times in a row! God bless sleep!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Home Again

Snapdragon's fever is still lingering and I can't get her to sleep well unless I am holding her. I was able to write this because I gently placed her on the floor praying she wouldn't wake up. Hopefully, the magic pink medicine will do the trick and all will be back to normal tomorrow. It is times like this when I am parenting alone, due to Daddy being on travel, that I remember how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband who jumps right in to help with the children and household chores. It is hard going it alone! Big sister, Buttercup, has been a wonderful help. How blessed I am!

I thought you might enjoy a laugh I caught yesterday while we were chilling on the couch.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sick Day Reflections

Snapdragon came home yesterday with a fever of 103. She hasn't been sleeping well the past few nights (not that she has been sleeping well since we arrived home almost 5 month ago) due to congestion which we attributed to allergies. It seems everyone we know is suffering from allergy trouble this season. A quick visit to the doctor verified that the congestion led to an ear infection and we are back on the yummy pink medicine! Mommy gets to stay home with the adorable sick child today. (Daddy is on travel all week.) Of course, she is crabby! We screamed from 10:00 to 11:30 last night and decided that it was time to get up at 5:45 AM. We drove Buttercup to school at 7:10 AM and of course crashed in the car seat. I just took this picture of sleeping beauty 5 minutes ago. Hopefully we can both get some needed rest today.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Wii are Family

We know officially own a Wii. Note the three couch potatoes. What's a mother to do?

Our Little Picasso

Snapdragon had a homework assignment to make a picture for her teacher for National Teachers' Appreciation Day. Snapdragon thought very hard and then began to work deligantly on her masterpiece.