Sunday, September 22, 2013

Busy Weekends!

We wanted to go camping this weekend, but rain put a hitch in that. Instead, Buttercup went to a party with friends (life of a teenager-notice her absence in most pictures nowadays) and we took the munchkin to Disney Princesses on Ice. Afterwards, we had dinner for the first time at The Spaghetti Warehouse...a very cool restaraunt! Of course, we squeezed in two soccer games and my usual amount of 5 hours of weekend school/dance/Daisies work! I don't know what I would do without my wonderful hubby who continually helps with household chores. I am blessed to be married to a man that shares all of these duties in a 50/50 way!

We Love You, Mel!

On Saturday, Sept. 15 we lost our dear Mel. Thank you, Melbourne, for sharing 13 wonderful years with us! We will miss you and you will be in our hearts forever.