Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Zoo Exhibit

Snapdragon and I spent the day at the zoo today until we had to pick Buttercup up from school. I subbed two days this week. (Not bad because this was only a 4 day week for the Catholic schools.)

We explored the new zoo exhibit, Teton Trek, for a member's preview day. It is a beautiful exhibit. It is modeled after the lodge in Yellowstone Park and it even has a model of Old Faithful. The grizzly bear cubs were adorable to watch. It was hard to get close photos of them. Snapdragon loved watching one of the cubs swim in the river. The river is stocked with fish for the bears to catch and eat. The timber wolves were very active today. I was able to get a video clip of them playing.
Buttercup has a busy weekend ahead filled with learning choreography at the dance studio, a volleyball tournament on Saturday and she is fitting in her first slumber party at a friend's house since the move.

1 comment:

Shawnstribe said...

it's so good to catch up, we had our referrals in the same batch nearly two years ago!!!!
our girls have changed so much, and we have learnt so much ; )
Life is good : )