We will travel in 5-7 weeks to bring her home to her forever family.
Name: Jiang Cheng Shuang (sincere and bright)
DOB: February 7, 2007 (She will be 9 months old tomorrow!)
Orphange: Zhangjiang, Jiang Cheng District Welfare Institute
Province: Guangdong Province (see map)
Taken to the orphanage on Feb. 8, 2007
Weight on Sept. 28 was 17.6 lbs.
Length 27.17 inches
She is healthy, alert, sits on her own, holds her head up when lying on her tummy, crawls, recognizes her name and her caregiver. She sits in her baby walker. Her favorite toy is a colorful ball. She reaches and grabs for things and follows a voice. She laughs outloud and likes music. She is a deep sleeper and likes her schedule. She wakes up at 6:30, naps at noon and goes to bed at 9:30. She eats at 7:oo, 11:00, 4:00, 8:00 and midnight ( a milk and rice based formula). She also is given vitamins, codliver oil and calcium.
We are overjoyed! Thank you to all for your prayers and support through this journey. We thank God for another beautiful, healthy daughter and can't wait to hold her! We even think she looks like Buttercup when she was a baby. Especially, the cheeks, lips and even the hair (without curls)!
Congratulations! Our little one is from Guangdong province and looks alot like your little one. We have been home now for 5 months and life is wonderful! Good luck and your travel will be a breeze!!
Here is our blog site
Congratulations! She is beautiful.
Our daughter, Lauren, is from Jiangcheng. The little ones are well cared for!!!
Here is the yahoo group address
Congrats on your beautiful new addition!!! JC (JiangCheng) girls are the prettiest and smartest!!!
moderator for the JiangCheng Group & Mom to Kieren Olivia ChengLi (adopted 12/11/05 JiangCheng SWI)
We've been home 2 months w/ our JC girl! Sam's right, JC girls are the prettiest & smartest (our little one is far more advanced than other babies her age!) & they're very well taken care of!:)
Here's our website:
Password: adoptingaimee
Yangjiang City!
Jiangcheng SWI
Join the group! Lots of pictures!
We just got our Jiangcheng Baby (Jiang Cheng Dai) on September 10th. She's now Meredith Jane Dai Murry. Feel free to check us out!
BTW I think they are cutting her hair. They don't cut all the girls hair but they cut my daughter's hair. And I think your little one has the same hair texture as my little MJ.
The McDonald family is so very happy for you all! She is beautiful! It was so wonderful to see Buttercup share the news with the class this morning. God is good!
Congratulations! We are excited for you!! Enjoy your journey and parenthood.
LID 01/27/06
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