It was nice to have another surprise snow day on Friday, except for the fact that Lou's car broke down. It was the altenator, so you can guess the expense. I spent the day deep cleaning Friday and going through old pictures. Buttercup and I were amazed at all the places we have been. We started a new project with some of the photo frames I received for Christmas. We are going to make a wall of photos in the hallway of places we have been and leave room for places we will go. Looking at the pictures made me a little homesick for Cali and all of the warm sunshine and our friends there. Also, I miss that little blonde-headed California girl. Where did the time go? I can't believe Buttercup is 13!
Snapdragon managed to keep me busy the rest of the weekend with crafts and making Rice Krispy treats. We also went shopping at Michael's and played at McDonald's for a little while. When we ran out of things to do, we made all of her Valentines and completed her birthday party invitations. It's a good thing we have school tomorrow. I'm tired! Scroll down to the bottom of the blog page and turn the music player off to hear the Valentine making process. No, I'm not a Tiger Mom, but I think I might coin the term, "Tiger Child!" I know I need to cherish every moment with this little one. Time sure does fly when you're having fun!