Buttercup and her friend dance to "Jump On It" at the zoo member night.

Dancing at the zoo!

The dragons face off!

Posing in the bamboo.

Hey, don't bug me...I'm driving this boat.

Checking out a hawk.

I'll miss them when they're gone!

Buttercup in action!

Cheering the Colts on to VICTORY!

I made this with my Cricut.

I made these, too!

I made Snapdragon a bow holder and you can see the curtains she picked out.

I made Buttercup a bow holder and you can see the curtains she picked out.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum....hey, let us in already! Lola has grown so much and is still a very playful puppy. Mel is as cute and quiet as ever.
Well, it's been a long time since I posted on the blog. We have been super busy with school, work, dance and cheerleading. This long weekend has been nice to get some cleaning and work done on the house. We hung curtains in all of the rooms upstairs, finally (a year and three months after moving in). I have been playing with my new birthday present, a Cricut. I really like it!!! Other than that, I have been busy writing lesson plans, grading and all the other usual teacher stuff. In the evenings I am teaching dance and busy being the mom taxi. I have started to make one or two extra dinners on Sunday, so all we have to do is reheat on busy nights. Lou's new project with the Navy is going to have him traveling more, again. He was already gone for the whole second week of school. It is nice having Snapdragon go with me everyday. Also, we have made some good friends here. Parents of some of Buttercup's friends at school. They help me get Buttercup to and from school when Lou is traveling. Awesome!!!!
Buttercup is enjoying school, but her Religion and Math teacher is very hard! She'll survive. Buttercup has cheer or tumbling practice three nights a week. I also convinced her to dance again. I am teaching her dance class this year. She taking up playing the flute. She decided to take band instead of choir as her music elective. Her band teacher is very nice and is giving her extra one on one practice after cheer practice on Thursday.
Snapdragron loves preschool. When we get to school each morning (about 20 minutes early so I can prep in my classroom) she wants to go straight to her room. I have to keep reminding her that her teachers need time to get ready, too. She especially likes going to the special classes like the big kids. They go to music, art, library and PE just like everyone else. They walk by my classroom a few times each week on their way to special and Snapdragon always yells, "Hi, Mom and her kids!" Snapdragon is also taking dance lessons once a week and tumbling once a week.
Well, enjoy the random photos! Also, if you want to see what's going on in my classroom, I started another blog for my students and parents. www.fifthgradepandamonium.blogspot.com